Ash and Georgia from the New Adelphi Theatre Team have created a brand new Instagram page that showcases our #PerformanceatSalford cohort. On the page, we promote work and achievements, share opportunities, jobs, resources and good news stories!
Our team will support the account and its guest content creators by providing tools in professionalism, digital engagement, marketing strategy and more, as part of our Employability Plus Initiative for current students.
We are also doing an open call-out to #PerformanceAtSalford students, alumni and staff members to become a part of our ‘Introducing…’ collages. The aim of these posts is to create a supportive online community in which we can showcase work, connect, network and celebrate.
Whether you’re a 1st-year student, studying an MA, graduated 20 years ago, a current member of staff or a former lecturer, we want to hear from you and we want to support you. To give you an idea of what we’re looking for, head over to UoS_Performance to see examples.
We’ll be running this throughout the academic year, alongside our ‘student takeovers’, so get involved anytime.
Students and staff can submit using this Microsoft Forms link. If you’re an alumnus or a former staff member with a non-university email address, please email Georgia Lynch at G.Lynch@salford.ac.uk who will send you a word.doc form to complete.
We look forward to connecting with you through this small, but supportive gesture.
Ash & Georgia