We’re thrilled to announce that we have selected 5 recent graduates to become Supported Artists at the New Adelphi Theatre!

This Performance Graduate Scholarship Programme, in collaboration with the Alumni Team, gives graduates from performance disciplines the funds, time and resources to experiment and take risks with their creative practice within a supportive framework. The programme is designed to provide graduates with an opportunity to develop their skills and professional experience, and includes a financial award, practice space in the New Adelphi building, access to mentoring from professional artists, and a showcase of their project, or work in progress, in New Adelphi Theatre space. 

The Performance Graduate Scholarships are funded through the generosity of our donors and supported by the Alumni Engagement & Development Team. 

Meet our first cohort of Supported Artists: 


Ben Hodge (he/him) is a Media and Performance graduate, performer, filmmaker, comedy improvisor with ComedySportz Manchester and stand-up comedian. He was also the recipient of The Citizenship Award at the 2021 Create Awards. Ben has performed at the Edinburgh Fringe with @SalFUNNI, worked as an usher at New Adelphi Theatre; and through this, discovered his love for all things comedy and multimedia. Ben won the Into Film Best Documentary of the Year 2020 award for his short documentary, ‘1 Year’, as well as performing all over the country at the Edinburgh Fringe, Frog and Bucket, Chortle’s Student Comedy Lincoln Heat (People’s Choice 2019) and at our very own Homeground event in summer 2021. 


Charlotte Cropper (she/her) is a Media and Performance graduate, comedian, writer and @SalFUNNI alumnus. Charlotte recently produced the ‘Curio Comedy: Salford Showcase’ and has been featured on Funny Women and BBC Upload. She was the recipient of The Dean’s Award at the 2021 Create Awards, was a Chortle Student Comedy Award 2021 Finalist and performed at Homeground in summer 2021. She is a self-confessed “comedy nerd” and loves to champion her fellow artists and encourages collaboration within her comedy work.  


Grace Bastyan (she/her) is a Theatre and Performance Practice graduate, theatre maker, performer, and lover of all things tech! She recently won the Performance, English and Creative Writing Award at the Create Student Awards 2021. Grace’s passion lies in transforming the space and transporting the audience using multimedia theatre, lighting and movement. Grace was the technical director and a performer in a devised collaboration at the Manchester Fringe Festival in 2019. She designed the staging and lighting for her final 3rd year project, ‘Syzygy’, and has worked under the guidance of Imitating the Dog, making a live performed graphic novel, inspired by Airlock that was shown on BBC iPlayer’s Culture in Quarantine.


Joe Greenaway (he/him) is a Comedy Writing and Performance graduate, writer, performer and comedian.  Joe has been performing stand-up comedy for three years. He has performed across various open mic nights on the Manchester Circuit and as part of our very own New Adelphi Comedy Night, #Homeground and ‘Curio Comedy: Salford Showcase’. His comedy highlight so far is being part of the comedy troupe @SalFUNNI, who performed a two-week run at the Edinburgh Fringe in 2019. Joe was a sketch writer and performer for the Salford Comedy Society and is keen to focus on his playwriting and performance skills through this scholarship programme.  


Oli Hurst (he/him) is a Theatre and Performance Practice graduate, writer, director and theatre maker. Oli creates work that tackles social and political taboos through creating stimulating stories and moments. Oli is the co-founder of Redbrick Theatre and recently directed the sell-out kitchen sink drama ‘Sour Milk’ at the Manchester Fringe Festival. The project was nominated for Best Newcomer and Best Drama at the GM Fringe Awards. He is also part of the music collective/record label Desk Jockey Records and recently performed as part of the Chengdu International Sister Cities Youth Music Festival. 

@redbricktheatre_ @deskjockeyrecords 


A huge congratulations, we look forward to working with you all!


Stay up to date with our Supported Artists via social media! 
